JW Here is the third communication that I received from a person called Winifred Barton.
Hi John-win - I am intrigued by your replies. All these years I have been holding the silence - and it is so great to be able to speak at last. This is my connection with Mt. Shasta. When I was a very young person - an older gentleman invited me to his home in Winnipeg, Man. He was about to pass over and gave me much of his metaphysical library as he had been instucted to do so by his angelic guide.
These books, published in the early 1930's were written by St. Germain and an author called Godfre Ray King. The content is much the same as taught today by Elizabeth Claire Prophet (as far as I can gather) But the main point is, the Lords from Venus and Arcturus etc., didn't both using Space craft or UFO's they just came and took their people off to other dimensions on a regular basis. This happens to me also.
So although I had an abduction - I had learned to travel around the Universe long before that. But it was so natural I hardly noticed it. During the 10 years when we were kept in "educational quarantine" it was a place known as the mineral capital of Canada due to extensive mines, which I feel played some part in the choosing of the location.
In recent times I have met many people who might be called "Chosen" whose whole lives have been lived on the edge of timelessness. These persons are aware of having an agenda and know they are fulfilling it. The energy when we connect is really great.
I live in a small village in east-central Canada - but have travelled extensivly in my youth to sacred sites including Shasta and area. Also to Egypt, Greece, and Israel. I was born in London England and these are the sacrd sites I know the best.
I have NO FEAR WHATSOEVER about the upcoming Cosmic Changeover. The Universe I experience is a place of beauty and order. It is governed by an evolved system of JUSTICE - and no one - but NO BODY from any dimensions gets away with anything.
SIN is (+1) - Motion - which is essential for creation. SIN allows MAN to grow to be the KING OF THE BEASTS. Then we hit (-1) Motionlessness - "The Rock of Ages" and get a rude awakening of the plight our planet is in. Here is where we change course - our circular journey into time-space is complete. Mind arrives first - the body will catch up later. (+1)+(-1)=0 is the end of the game.
Talking to other Light Beings is important so I hope we continue this type of communication.
Regards Winifred & Thoth and Greetings from the GALACTIC FEDERATION who plan a great outpouring of light. May the glorious glistening "Presence of Shamballah" enfold you.
JW I will have to admit, this person has my full attention.
john Winston. johnfwin@sonnet. com